Thursday, January 28, 2010


i am fiercely in love with my kids. i find myself wanting to spend more and more time with them lately. yeah, sometimes they annoy the hell out of me, make me want to rip my face apart, or better yet, their's, or dare i say? send them back. but there has been no greater joy in my life than having my 3 gorgeous children. well, except for the day i got to have sex with my husband for the first time, which was in fact, our wedding day, which was in fact a beautiful & glorious day.

yesterday scarlett and i were trying to play SORRY while atticus crawled around all over the floor, destroying anything that got in his way. he came over to us and started pulling on the table cloth, where the game was sitting, almost pulling the entire thing off. scarlett got up, picked him up and said, "here. i'm just going to give him to the toys."

later, we were all just lying on the floor being silly, normal stuff. you know, like addy trying to regurgitate his graham crackers into my mouth, slobbering everywhere. so we got out the camera and recorded this. (important note for the end of the video: he's just learning to nod when you ask him a question.)

i love that his head practially falls off his neck.
we then proceeded to play with some mustache i found hidden in lee's pocket. i guess he wanted to surprise me for role play night? he likes to dress all good cop/bad cop sometimes.


  1. love addy's head nod! that is adorable! awww, what a sweetie. and you're right-- even on the worst days, it's the best thing ever.

  2. Thats is just plain cuteness. I love his gorgeous and alert blue eye balls :)

  3. thanks guys! motherhood really is the best, :)
